Saved up boredom

You can blame Kate for this. 🙂 Hopefully my answers won’t involve tickling at Warped on Monday…

1. Reception teacher’s name: Mrs Hunt
2. Last person you kissed: can’t remember
3. Last word you said: Damn
4. Last song you sang: You’ve Got The Music In You—New Radicals
5. Last person you hugged: probably Jennie Bee (although that was more a case of me being a “victim” of her traditional greeting 🙂
6. Last thing you laughed at: Old Digital Aubergine article
7. Last time you said ‘I love you’: Can’t remember
8. What’s in your CD player: I don’t have a CD player, but on my iRiver I have lots of different songs
9. What socks are you wearing: Black ones
10. What’s under your bed: The floor
12. Current taste: Curry!
13. Current hair style: Short and boring, need it cutting though
14. Current clothes: Jeans, t-shirt
15. Current Job: Student / freelance webmaster
16. Current longing: For a pint of Carling
17. Current desktop picture: Don’t have one, I’m a boring git and stick with the default
18. Current worry: Will I pass my degree?
19. Current hate: Scallies. They should all be lined up and shot at dawn.
20. Story behind your username: Not much really, it’s the first letter of my forename (Paul) followed by my surname to produce pwaring.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: My new coat
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Legs
23. Last CD that you bought: This is really embarrassing but I think it’s probably Best—Greatest Hits of S Club (I know, I know, sad old me)
24. Favorite place to be: In the pub with a comfy chair, nice view and a pint of Carling
25. Least favorite place: Stuck on the bus in the middle of Rusholme
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7am on weekdays, 10am at weekends (unless I have to be up for something)
27. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?: Electric guitar
28. When was the last time you surprised yourself: Don’t think I ever have really
29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/don’t be daft
30. Favorite books: Sci-fi/fantasy novels, technical/computing books
31. Favorite Movies: Anything satirical
32. Favorite Song: Gina G—Ooh, Aah… Just A Little Bit
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Any of my friends from primary school
35. Favorite day: New Year’s Eve
36. Where do you want to go: The pub!
37. What is your career going to BE: Codemonkey for DSVR if Tom, Jon and Cez have their way or evil scientist for BAE Systems if Juliette can recruit me 🙂
39. What kind of car will you have: Mini cooper
40. Type a line you remember from any book: I can’t remember a specific line off the top of my head
41. A random lyric: “I’m spinning around, move outta my way, I know you’re feeling me cos you like it like this” (Kylie Minogue—Spinning Around)
42. Eye Color: Hazel
43. Hair Color: Dark brown
44. Righty or Lefty: Left handed for writing and spoon holding, right for pretty much everything else
45. Zodiac Sign: Libra—the scales of justice!

47. Your heritage: Lancashire born, Lancashire bred , proper Northerner
48. The shoes you wore today: Only wore slippers from Marks and Spencers today
49. Your hair: Eh, I’m sure this has been asked already!
50. Your weakness: Alcohol
51. Your fears: Being unemployed
52. One thing you’d like to achieve: Power
53. Your most recent secret: Heh, that would be telling!
54. Your thoughts first waking up: “Must… have… coffee…”
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes
56. Your bedtime: 11:00pm-2:00am
57. Your most missed companion: Andy or Peg
58. Your perfect pizza: Cheese and tomato (yes I’m boring)
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: I have no idea
60. Single or group dates: Either
61. Dogs or Cats: Cats, although I’m allergic 🙁
62. Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Not a big tea drinker
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!
64. Cappuccino or Drip: Cappuccino

65. Smoke: No
66. Curse: Yes, but I try not to and never do on my blog
67. Sing: Well I call it singing but most people would disagree with me 🙂
68. Take a shower everyday: yes
69. Have a crush: Maybe… 😛
71. Think you’ve been in love: No
72. Want to go to college: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (and A level certificates)
73. Want more than what you’ve got: Who doesn’t?
74. Want to get married: I can’t see me finding anyone I’d want to marry and who would feel the same way about me
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: No, but I can touch type without looking
76. Think you’re attractive: Hahaha… not a chance
77. Think you’re a health freak: No
78. Get along with your parents: most of the time
79. Play an instrument: No—I can’t even read music

IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. Drink: Carling
81. Smoke: No
82. Done a drug: Hell no
84. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No idea what they are, blasted American-biased quizzes
85. Eaten sushi: No
87. Been dumped: No (I’d be quite surprised if I had been 🙂
88. Made homemade cookies: Not made them, but eaten the brownies Ed made and the cookies my sisters made
89. Been in love: This is me we’re talking about… (in other words no 🙂
90. Gone skinny dipping: No
91. Dyed your hair: No, because I would look even more of a muppet. Have contemplated it in the past though.
92. Stolen anything: I can’t steal.

93. Had too much to drink: Yes
94. Been caught cheating: Never cheated on anyone
95. Been called a tease: I sincerely hope not 🙂
96. Gotten beaten up: At some point at high school probably
97. Changed who you were to fit in: No. I am who I am and if you don’t like that then it’s your problem. I don’t intentionally change for anyone.
98. Cried at something beautiful: No
99. Spent too much money on something you didn’t need: No, I’m too sensible with money 🙁
100. Cried when someone died: No, although I know that makes me sound like a heartless git
101. Been so angry you cried: No
101. Lied for attention: No

103. My name is: Paul
104. Height: 5’5” (or thereabouts)
105. Favorite toe: ?!
106. In the morning I am: In desperate need of coffee
107. All I need is: A pint, a comfy chair, a nice view and a laptop with an internet connection 🙂
108. Love is: Only true in fairy tales, meant for someone else, but not for me.
109. If I could see one person right now who would it be: Kylie Minogue… mmm
110. Shoe size: 7

Posted in Uncategorised

12 thoughts on “Saved up boredom

  1. Typical! I get blamed for everything!

    >23. Last CD that you bought: This is really embarrassing but I think it’s probably Best—Greatest Hits of S Club (I know, I know, sad old me)

    That does make me laugh, but I’m tempted to ask to borrow it 😛 I used to bartend to that stuff.

    >24. Favorite place to be: In the pub with a comfy chair, nice view …

    Should we ask what her name is?

    >29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/don’t be daft

    Don’t use Muppet around Jon! He’ll tell you a story with a different definition and you’ll never be able to use it again! The git

  2. Typical! I get blamed for everything!

    Not so—I refer you to the infamous Crisp Packet Spaceship Incident at the Oxford as evidence contrary to that statement. 🙂

    I’m tempted to ask to borrow it

    Oh dear, I know I’ve hit a new low when girls are asking to borrow my CD collection. 😉

    Should we ask what her name is?

    By nice view I meant being able to see all over the countryside or something, not some attractive lady. 😛

  3. 4. Last song you sang: You’ve Got The Music In You—New Radicals

    Its called You Get What You Give


  4. So it is, I wonder why I have it down as You’ve Got The Music In You on my iRiver then—CDDB must have had the song title wrong when I ripped it from my CDs. 🙁

    BTW, you can quote by using the standard HTML for quoting, which is to enclose everything between <blockquote>quote this</blockquote> tags. I’ve added some CSS which makes it indent a bit more than usual and puts the large quote mark in—that’s not the standard. 🙂

  5. I’m bored so thought I’d do it too.

    1. Reception teacher’s name: mrs Lomax
    2. Last person you kissed: Some random bird in L’pool.
    3. Last word you said: Cheers.
    4. Last song you sang: I think it was the chours of a Phil Collins song.
    5. Last person you hugged: My dad. (T’was his b’day yesterday.)
    6. Last thing you laughed at: The spongebob squarepants game I’ve just bought my cousin.
    7. Last time you said ‘I love you’: I was very drunk with a mate in matthew’s street but that was a love between mates not a love between partners.
    8. What’s in your CD player: Kings of Leon.
    9. What socks are you wearing: Totes toasties
    10. What’s under your bed: suit case.
    12. Current taste: Wiltshire Ham.
    13. Current hair style: Spiky but needs cutting so will soon be shorter and spiky.
    14. Current clothes: Jeans, t-shirt
    15. Current Job: Student
    16. Current longing: don’t have one.
    17. Current desktop picture: Alien vs predator!
    18. Current worry: Will I read my books I have to read?
    19. Current hate: Michael Jackson.
    20. Story behind your username: It’s a tale going back over 2 decades…… May mum gave it me when I was born.
    21. Current favorite article of clothing: Don’t have one. Possibly my Italy football shirt I bought in Rome.
    22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes
    23. Last CD that you bought: Linkin Park/Jay Z
    24. Favorite place to be: Bed.
    25. Least favorite place: On a bus in rush hour with kids running around screaming.
    26. Time you wake up in the morning: either 8 am or 11 am depending on what’s going on.
    27. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?: guitar
    28. When was the last time you surprised yourself: I’m always surprised at how great I am!
    29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/been up to anything windswept and interesting?
    30. Favorite books: Not the reading type.
    31. Favorite Movies: Alien films.
    32. Favorite Song: Across the Universe by The Beatles.
    34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: (alive)Mr Poulton, (past away) my Gran.
    35. Favorite day: Christmas Day.
    36. Where do you want to go: Egypt!
    37. What is your career going to BE: A larger than life living legend in the world of theology.
    39. What kind of car will you have: One that works would be a start. A BMW would be good.
    40. Type a line you remember from any book: I don’t tend to read.
    41. A random lyric: “Pray that there’s inteligent life somewhere up in space cos there’s bugger all down here on earth.” (Monty Python, Galaxy Song)
    42. Eye Color: Green or gray. Not sure.
    43. Hair Color: Dark brown
    44. Righty or Lefty: Right
    45. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.

    47. Your heritage: Mum’s Scouse, Dad’s from Nottingham, I’m a Bury lad though.
    48. The shoes you wore today: New trainies. Got them from JJB. Should be £80 got them for £50 in the sale. Get in
    49. Your hair: Spiky, needs cutting.
    50. Your weakness: Spelling
    51. Your fears: The future. Not being successful and living up to the expectations I have in my life.
    52. One thing you’d like to achieve: A place in history.
    53. Your most recent secret: Something I’ve learnt. If you don’t want everyone to know don’t tell anyone.
    54. Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it?
    55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes
    56. Your bedtime: go to bed around 11. Get to sleep at around 2.
    57. Your most missed companion: john, matt, miles… quite a few.
    58. Your perfect pizza: MEAT!!
    59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: depends what it is…
    60. Single or group dates: single
    61. Dogs or Cats: Dogs
    62. Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: don’t drink tea
    63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
    64. Cappuccino or Drip: neither

    DO YOU…
    65. Smoke: No
    66. Curse: Only with style.
    67. Sing: yeah
    68. Take a shower everyday: yes
    69. Have a crush: yes
    71. Think you’ve been in love: yeah
    72. Want to go to college: done
    73. Want more than what youve got: wouldn’t say no.
    74. Want to get married: Chirst, I need a girlfriend first!
    75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no but I am fast.
    76. Think you’re attractive: Hell yeah! (only messin’)
    77. Think youre a health freak: Hell no! (that was serious.)
    78. Get along with your parents: Yeah.
    79. Play an instrument: No

    IN THE PAST 3 months:
    80. Drink: beer, sprite, pepsi max.
    81. Smoke: never have
    82. Done a drug: never have
    84. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
    85. Eaten sushi: No
    87. Been dumped: No
    88. Made homemade cookies: no. I don’t eat them so why make them?
    89. Been in love: No. ust a ‘crush’.
    90. Gone skinny dipping: No
    91. Dyed your hair: In december I put blond and red streeks in my hair. It looked cool. Expensive though.
    92. Stolen anything: no.

    93. Had too much to drink: Yes
    94. Been caught cheating: Never cheated on anyone
    95. Been called a tease: I think so. I was drunk at the time so can’t really remember.
    96. Gotten beaten up: tended to walk away.
    97. Changed who you were to fit in: I’ve changed as a person over the years but for me not for others.
    98. Cried at something beautiful: No
    99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need: If you mean computer games or something like that then yeah. Or music. I go stupid with albums at times.
    100. Cried when someone died: yeah.
    101. Been so angry you cried: No
    101. Lied for attention: I don’t know. I don’t think so…

    103. My name is: Pete
    104. Height: 6’1 or 3. Can’t remember.
    105. Favorite toe: Don’t have one.
    106. In the morning I am: Tired.
    107. All I need is: Oxygen, food, drink, shelter, family, friends, money and music.
    108. Love is: real. real is love. (John Lennon song.)
    109. If I could see one person right now who would it be: Lucy Liu
    110. Shoe size: either 10, 11, or 12 depending on the shoe.

  6. I asked my mam n dad and they said I’b be around 6 foot 5. I’m really not sure how tall I am. Pity I don’t have a ruler long enough.

  7. You are quite tall, but then everyone looks tall from where I’m standing. 🙁

    I don’t think you’re 6’5” though, that is seriously tall, probably more like 6’3”.

  8. Yeah. I think tay is prob 6’5” which would make me about 6’3”.
    I need a ruler though. I’ll have to find some way to do it. Hmmm……

  9. Taylor towers over everyone, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was that tall. Then there’s poor little me a foot further down, the last one to know when it rains. 🙂

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